
Matkakertomus Tanskasta / Liudmila

Voit lähteä Erasmus-vaihtoon myös oppilaitokseen. Lastenohjaajaksi opiskelevat olivat Erasmus-jaksolla kaksi viikkoa ammatillisessa oppilaitoksessa Tanskassa. Oppilaitokseen voit tutustua lisää: Opettaja oli tukihenkilönä koko kv-jakson ajan. Opiskelijat asuivat oppilaitoksen asuntolassa Roskildessa kahden hengen huoneissa.

Mitä kaikkea kahden viikon aikana tapahtui? Siitä voit lukea Liudmilan päiväkirjasta.


In Helsinki with friends.

The train arrived at Helsinki Central Station at 16:00. I was met by a colleague from my previous job, and after greetings, we went for a walk in Vanha Vallila, where I had never been before. This area in the city center has old wooden houses, very similar to the center of Raahe, where I live, only without the viewing mirrors and figures of dogs in the windows. We spent the rest of the day at Töölön Kisahalli playing table tennis and chatting.



In the morning, I explored the Punavuori area. In addition to the street names, there are also animal symbols, which are amusing. ’See you at the pheasant!’ became our catchphrase.

At the airport, I was surprised to learn that the teacher from Jyväskylä not only speaks Russian but has also visited Volgograd, the city where I was born.

The train station in Copenhagen from which we departed was beautiful; I felt like I’m Harry Potter on platform 9 3/4 in London.

Now, here I am in my dorm room, and the temperature is an incredible 25 degrees. Just one question: how do they save energy?


Roskilde. Getting to know the college.

After an introductory lecture we went on a tour of the college. Initially, I had a lot of fun because their lab looked as though they were developing biological weapons or conducting experiments. Then I felt very sad because I had not booked an excursion to the pig killing and cutting workshop. It turns out that the college teaches various professions, including that of butcher.

The second half of the day was more positive. We visited the local cathedral where Danish kings are buried, including Harald Bluetooth, after whom Bluetooth technology is named, and the first Queen Margaret. The guide, who works as a historian at the college, spoke very cheerfully. It’s a pity that in the middle of the excursion, one lady distracted me, and I missed part of it. Afterwards, we walked around the city, went to the embankment, and looked at the Viking ships. By the way, Vikings also reached the area where I was born using their boats.


Roskilde. Learning process.

We were introduced to two interesting teaching methods based on simulation. In the first lesson, we imitated a situation happening in a kindergarten and then commented on correct behavior and compliance with hygiene rules. In the second lesson, using virtual reality glasses, we found ourselves in the role of people with mental problems and observed what was happening around them through their ’eyes,’ then we drew our impressions.


Roskilde. Let’s have some fun.

In the morning, we were given a short lecture on the history of Danish pedagogy. Generally, the education systems in Finland and Denmark are similar nowadays. However, we found some differences. For example:

  • The number of children cared for by an adult in kindergarten is lower in Denmark. For one adult, there are three children under three years old and six children aged 3-6 years.
  • There are private schools in Denmark, and their number is growing.
  • Schoolchildren usually bring food with them.
    Then there was a picnic and entertainment program with Danish students. We baked buns on a stick over the fire and played various active games. The atmosphere was fun and friendly.


København. In the Zoo.

Today is a holiday, and some of the students, including me, decided to visit the local zoo. The weather was beautiful, and we enjoyed walking from enclosure to enclosure. I can say that I liked the Danish Zoo. There are many animals, and they are close by, yet they have enough space. I didn’t get the feeling that they were suffering. Before traveling here, I visited Kartano near Helsinki Airport, where the sheep were overfed and suffered from a lack of exercise.



Today we had a short, guided tour of Copenhagen. It was very brief, as brief as this description.
In the evening, I had a pleasant conversation with a teacher from Hungary about languages. Although Finnish and Hungarian have a common origin, they are very different from each other. What they have in common is that both languages use one pronoun for ’he’ and ’she,’ vowels can be long or short. But the names of objects are different, and it is impossible to understand what the Hungarians are talking about.



After my morning Finnish lesson, where I studied suffixes, I went to the botanical garden. There were many flowering plants, including rhododendrons of different colors: pink, white, and yellow. But what surprised me was not the flora. The garden also contains one of the largest meteorites in the world, called Agpalilik. This giant fell in Northwestern Greenland 12 thousand years ago. After its discovery in 1963, it was hauled to Denmark. It took several years to transport the 20-ton meteorite there, and Agpalilik is still sitting on the same sleigh that was used to pull it free from the rocks. However, it now only weighs 16 tons because the museum’s scientists have cut off a chunk of it to study its interior.



I was fortunate to have met a teacher from Hungary. They had a group ticket to the museum in the royal palace, and I joined their group. Could anyone has thought 100-200 years ago that an excursion to the royal palace would be possible? Only Christian VII could have imagined this in his fantasies. So, the flag was raised, which meant a member of the royal family was at home. The museum is not very large but provides insight into the past and present life of the royal family.

Afterward, we took an hour-long tour along the canals and then walked around the city.

Please note that I not only have language immersion here but also physical education every day.


Køge. PA.

So, Monday, and finally, classes. In a neighboring city, but this is even more interesting. First, a short tour of the college building, this time, fortunately, without any unpleasant surprises. Then a lecture on the history of children’s literature with a focus on topics that are not usually discussed. Well, you understand what I mean…

After the lecture, we were divided into four groups, and together with the Danish students, we were asked to write our own book. We did not risk creating a shocking children’s book but chose an ordinary plot. The main character was Blob; we described his first day in kindergarten.

In the evening, I walked around the city of Roskilde and, it seems, found a Masonic lair…


Køge. PA.

In the morning, we presented the books that we had created. Then there was a lecture. We became acquainted with the Danish system of pedagogical values. For convenience, it is represented as a flower with six outer petals, each representing one side of personality development. The inner petals are the ways to develop these skills.

After the lecture, we split into groups, and each team had to come up with a game to develop one of the skills. We chose ’communication and language.’ The rules of the game we presented were that everyone stands in line one after another, the last person receives a drawing, he must draw it on the back of the person in front, and so on along the chain. The first person in line draws on paper. Then the two images are compared.

After class, I went for a walk to the harbor and visited an art gallery, where I bought a charming little vase made of colored glass as a souvenir.


Køge. Day care.

We were given the opportunity to visit kindergartens. I chose a forest kindergarten. The road there was between two flowering rapeseed fields. The building was a large private house with a cozy courtyard where small children walked from morning until evening. Older children spend time in the forest. Parents must pay rent for the forest and provide their children with food to take with them every day. In the forest, they have huts, hammocks, and other delights. On the one hand, I really liked everything. On the other hand, I know for sure that I would not be able to stay in such a place all the time; I would suffer from the cold, or from rain, or from allergies, or from insect bites.


Køge. A day of creativity.

Today we had a day of creativity. I have well-developed logical thinking, but unfortunately, not much imagination. However, I managed it. First, we made bags with our own designs, then a composition on one of the given themes, then everyone drew their own portrait, and in the end, we made an appliqué that united all participants in the project. The portrait was so-so, and I decided not to save it, but the bag turned out better than I thought and even had a philosophical touch. As a project, we chose a ’city of the future,’ which has a lot of greenery, so it has gardens on the roofs of skyscrapers. Solar and wind energy are used to generate electricity. The colors of the buildings are cheerful and optimistic. In general, it turned out to be a fabulous city.

Today I didn’t go for a walk due to accumulated fatigue and early rises, but I almost finished my diary.


Roskilde. Final.

The day began with an analysis of our trip and its outcomes. Together, we discussed the pros and cons, evaluating what was great and what could be improved. Subsequently, we were given certificates.
And after that we went to the RAGNAROCK rock museum, where we had a lot of fun. Wikipedia says that the Roskilde rock festival is the largest in Northern Europe. Many world-class stars took part in the festival, including Bob Marley (1978), U2 (1982), Metallica (1986), Nirvana (1992), Radiohead (1997) and many others. The festival attracted 130,000 people in 2011.

It’s all for now. We are flying home tomorrow morning.

Teksti ja kuvat: Liudmila

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