Linnasmäki College is a high standard multi-disciplinary folk high school in a nice surrounding in Turku, Räntämäki, around four kilometres from the city centre. We’re a private college but all our education is financed by the government and part of the Finnish education system. We’re one of the biggest folk highs schools in Finland. We offer folk high school study programmes in various educational fields, upper secondary vocational qualifications and training, basic education for adults, preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA) and education for immigrants.
Linnasmäki college is a multicultural, diverse learning environment consisting of almost one thousand students in different ages and with various educational backgrounds from more than 50 countries every year. Studying at our school is community-based emphasizing on collaboration and working together. Our work at the college is goal-oriented and systematic focusing on continuous evaluation and development. In a national comparison, the students graduating from our vocational education get employed with top results. Also, our students in preparatory educations get a study place with excellent results. At Linnasmäki college, both the students and the personnel are happy!
It is also possible to accommodate at the school: our dorm is a nice, community-based option for living. The school shares the estates together with Kokoushotelli Linnasmäki.